What you should pay your attention to, when entering into employment relationship?

  • Bilateral employment relationship between the employer and employee are established by the labour contract.
  • Labour contract has to be signed in writing, before starting employment relationship. Labour contract has to be signed in two copies, one copy for each party.
  • Terms of the employment contract can be changed according to articles of agreement.
  • By entering into the employment contract, employee agrees to perform a particular job, obey the rules and employer’s instructions. Employer agrees to pay remuneration stated in the employment agreement and provides work conditions which are fair, safe and harmless to employee’s health.
  • Labour contract is considered as valid when both parties have agreed about employee’s work responsibilities and wage, as well as employee’s further compliance to certain work order and employer’s instructions.
  • If there is no written labour contract between both parties, employee is at risk to lose its social guarantees, which are granted by the legislation e.g. remuneration, vacations, severance pay, sick-pay, etc.
  • Labour contract has to be devised in official language. If employee is a foreigner, whose official language skills are insufficient, employer has to inform employee in written form about the contract provisions in a language which employee knows.
  • Labour contracts has to contain following information:
    • Employee’s name and surname, personal number (date of birth, if employee is a foreigner), place of residence, name and surname of the employer, personal number of the employer (date of birth, if employer is a foreigner) or registration number and address;
    • Start date of the employment agreement;
    • Predictable employment period (if employment agreement is signed for a definite period);
    • Work place (if work place is not specified, there also has to be mentioned that employee can be employed at different places);
    • Employee’s occupation and position according to profession classificator, as well as general position description;
    • Amount of the wage and payday;
    • Daily or weekly working hours;
    • Duration of the annual paid holidays;
    • Terms of the employee’s notice
    • Employment provisions which are applicable for employment relationship with collective agreement.
  • Probation period cannot last longer than three months (excluding sick-leaves). This clause also has to be stated in the contract. If there is no clause about the probation period in the agreement, there is no probation period.
  • If employee is dissatisfied with the job or working conditions, employee can resign from the position during the probation period, three days before leaving the position, by informing about it in written form.