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Why report?Agita Pudule2023-09-13T13:26:29+00:00
Why report?
- Fraudsters often spend your money, resources and opportunities! Don’t be indifferent if you come across illegal activities!
- Report cases that you notice even if they don’t affect you. In this way, you can protect someone else who will not fall into the trap of fraudsters.
- Remember! If we all act responsibly and report violations, maybe someone else will protect you!
- By reporting, you can reduce the shadow economy, fraud, corruption and other dishonest activities in their various forms. Although indirectly, it affects not only you, but also your family and loved ones!
- In areas where financial interests are involved, there are various risks of dishonest and corrupt practices, as well as fraud. Always be attentive and do not allow such cases!
- Reporting is not complicated! Use the reporting options on the website to reach the authorities involved in the anti-fraud movement!
- Remember that according to the Whistleblowing Law, you have the right to receive protection if you no longer want to remain silent about violations, which may harm public interests and which are observed in your workplace. In order to protect you, your personal data will be pseudonymized and your message and the materials attached to it will be assigned the status of restricted access information.
- During the Covid-19 pandemic, special attention should be paid to possible threats to public health, which is one of the areas specifically highlighted in the Whistleblowing Law. You can submit whistleblower’s report about non-compliance with epidemiological safety requirements in the workplace, helping to prevent threats to the wider public.
- Unfortunately, 2020 showed the negative consequences faced by people for whom the employer has not paid taxes – opportunities to use state support mechanisms are denied or reduced, so we urge you not to remain silent and report violations in the workplace. It is in each of our hands to change and change things for the better.
- Anyone employed in the public or private sector has the right to submit whistleblower’s report. The violation must have been established when a natural person was performing work duties, establishing legal relations related to the performance of work duties, or after their termination. You can raise the alarm both at your workplace (if there are more than 50 employees), and by reporting to the competent authorities, and also, following the prerequisites set by law, in public. Find out more:
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