• Quality of a product
    Counterfeit goods are usually of worse quality. Counterfeits are often made of artificial materials. Counterfeits can be recognized by taking a look on processing quality or product’s material. For example, sunglasses counterfeits are usually made of poor quality plastics, therefore they deteriorate much sooner. Some of the goods can be recognized as original by manufacturer’s certificate and identification number.
  • Price of the goods
    Counterfeits may cost significantly lower than original goods in official distributor stores. Vendors of counterfeits offer discounts 50% and more, by explaining that goods come directly from the factory or claim that those are collections from the previous seasons, etc.
  • Name of the good or brand
    Brand name of the counterfeit may miss a letter or have an extra one. Be cautious – if one letter is changed or different graphical symbol has been used in the brand name, it is “misleading similar trade mark”. It is considered as violation and punishable act, but it is not a counterfeit. It is up to you, whether to choose purchasing such goods and let traders cheat you. By making such purchases, people support dishonest manufacturers and suspicious businesses.
  • Quality of the packing
    Packing of counterfeit goods may differ. Sometimes goods are even sold without any packing, but sometimes forgers have been able to reproduce packing, so that it looks almost identical to original one. Brand goods usually have different accessories, for example, envelope for sunglasses. Accessories also have to contain brand logotype on them.
    Perfume. Perfume bottle has a good quality if its glass does not contain air bubbles. Pay attention to the packing – box has to be of good quality with clearly legible letters and no spelling mistakes. If it contains cellophane, it has to fit tightly, folding spots have to be smooth, no extra scotch marks, etc. Both on the package and on the flask, capacity of the bottle has to be indicated in milliliters. The cap and sprayer has to be of good quality, cap has to be smooth, and sprayer has to work smoothly.
  • Trading venue
    Brand goods are sold only at prestigious trading venues, by the brokerage of official distributors. List of Distributors is available on the webpages of official producers.
  • Electronic shopping
    If you are making your purchases in the internet, pay your attention to the quality of product description. Producers of genuine goods usually use services of professional translators, while counterfeiters use machine translation which can be recognized by illogical sentence construction. The same also refers to product labels.
  • Domain name of the online stores
    Unusual domain name is also a sign of counterfeit traders, for example, XY-sportoutlet.com or XY-cheapclothes.com. Do not buy anything from the online store if trader’s name and contacts are indicated in the web page. Such traders who use free e-mails, gmail.com, for example are also suspicious. To make sure if a trader is fair, you can check the list of suspicious web-pages created by Consumer Rights Protection Centre.
  • Photos at the online store
    Counterfeiters usually use lower quality photographs, which has been copied from the web-pages of original producers.
  • Reputation of the store and customers references
    Before purchasing a good, it is always worth to check the internet to find out if other consumers have not been complaining about particular online store.

Counterfeits can be recognized only after detailed investigation. For such investigation product is send to proprietor of a trade mark. Authenticity of a product is determined after particular manipulations. However, if you have doubts about authenticity of the products, choose another trader!